Aftercare Tips for Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal St. George, UT

Patients typically do not feel much discomfort during root canal therapy, but there is likely to be discomfort during the recovery process. It is helpful to become familiar with the likely symptoms following root canal therapy and plan in advance on how to make a full recovery in the shortest amount of time possible.

How to recover after a root canal

There are certain care tips that dentists recommend to patients after root canal therapy. The most common issues patients experience include gum swelling and tenderness, difficulty chewing and an increased risk of infection. The following are four tips for how to deal with the uncomfortable symptoms and make the aftercare process easier. 

Practice good oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is an essential step in the root canal therapy aftercare process. This is primarily to ensure there are no issues with the root canal and that the risk of an oral infection following treatment is kept to a minimal level. Good oral hygiene keeps bacteria and food particles away and can also reduce the amount of discomfort the patient experiences. Dentists typically recommend brushing several times each day, flossing regularly and using mouthwash to keep the mouth clean after a root canal procedure. 

Eat a soft and low-sugar diet

Another important aftercare tip for root canal therapy is watching what you eat and drink. Certain foods and drinks may increase the risk of complications after a root canal, such as those that are high in sugar, carbohydrates, hard foods and sticky candy. Instead, dentists typically recommend consuming a low-sugar diet of soft foods. Chewing will be more difficult after root canal therapy, so it is important to minimize the risk of irritation by eating an appropriate diet of soft foods and primarily drinking water and milk. 

Reduce the risk of dental trauma

Dental trauma can significantly set back the recovery progress of root canal therapy. Dental trauma refers to damage to the mouth, which is typically caused by a blow to the face or teeth grinding. It is encouraged to avoid activities in which a blow to the face is possible, such as contact sports, weightlifting and heavy construction. Patients who grind their teeth at night should wear a mouthguard to prevent teeth grinding. 

Check for signs of complications

The dentist will likely require follow-up visits. In addition to ensuring all follow-up visits are made, patients should also check for signs of complications, such as increased pain or a loosening or loss of a temporary crown. If notable issues develop, be sure to contact the dentist for prompt and effective treatment after a root canal. 

Learn more about root canal therapy aftercare

Here at our dentistry, we take pride in helping patients through the root canal process from the consultation visit to assisting with aftercare once treatment is complete. Our team is friendly and more than happy to answer any questions you may have about root canal therapy or how to make a quick and full recovery.

Request an appointment here: or call Red Cliffs Dental at (435) 465-4002 for an appointment in our St. George office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal in St. George, UT.

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